Founding Sponsor and Principal Patron

Principal Patron

We are looking for volunteers who share the same mission and have the same passion to work hand in hand with us.

In order to better arrange your future volunteer work, please complete the below online application form to provide further information so that we can better understand your skills, interests, and service time.

Join us! Through your participation, we can work together to serve the community and make a positive impact on the lives of children and their families in need.




* Indicates required question

* 表示必填問題

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun
Public Holidays
星期一 至 五

Volunteer Guidelines and Declaration


Please read the following volunteer guidelines carefully


Administration guidelines
1)Volunteers should attend briefing / training session and review meeting.
2)Volunteers should follow the rules of organisation and provide service with respect.
3)Volunteers must not provide service other than MCF assigned duties, e.g.: business suggestion.

Service guidelines
1)Volunteers should treat all participants with kindness and sincerity.
2)Volunteers should deliver service to help participants to focus on activities. Volunteers should avoid focus on chatting and caring his/her own children.
3)Volunteers should protect the privacy of participants, do not share any information of service recipient to third parties. If necessary, please report to MCF staff for help.
4)When in doubt, volunteers should report to and discuss with MCF staff, do not make decision by own.
5)Volunteers should avoid making commitment with service recipient.
6)Volunteers should either take care of participants and volunteer's own-self.
7)When accident happens, volunteers should report to MCF staff immediately.
8)Volunteers should neither take photos or videos of activities; nor share and publish activities related materials to social media.
9)Volunteers give notice to staff as early as possible if they are not able to attend to duty.
10)Volunteers should not develop personal relationships with service recipients beyond functional roles.
11)Volunteers should carry out assigned duties. MCF have the right to change or terminate the volunteer opportunities. Volunteers should not choose and change duties without the consent of related staff.
12)Volunteers should not withhold information of incident that violate the core value or interest of MCF.



MCF may use photos and videos during lessons / activities as promotion materials. Please notify us if you are not agree.本會在課堂/活動過程中有機會拍攝照片或影片作宣傳用途,如不同意,請另行通知。

Music Children Foundation Limited (MCF) pledges to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the Laws of Hong Kong. MCF will keep your personal data confidential and only our authorised members will have access to and handle your personal data. MCF does not limit in people in different race, colour, sex, language, religion. Welcome to be one of our volunteers. 本會承諾遵守《 個人資料(私隱)條例》的有關規定,並妥善處理閣下向我們提供的個人資料。你所提供的資料絕對保密,只會被「音樂兒童基金會」及我們委託的服務提供者用作通訊用途。本會沒有限制種族、膚色、性別、語言、宗教等類別的人士,歡迎加入我們義工行列。

We may use your personal information, providing you our news, activities, fund raising and data collection. If you don't want to receive our information, please tick in the following option. You can also notify us to through E-mail anytime.


Enquiry number: 2456 2206

查詢電話:2456 2206