Founding Sponsor and Principal Patron

Principal Patron

Great Eagle Music Children Ensemble

Sponsored by the Great Eagle Group, “Great Eagle Music Children Ensemble” is an advanced music programmes for graduates of Music Children Foundation started in May 2018. Outstanding graduates have the opportunity for advanced studies through master classes, exchange programmes, largescale performances and sholarships-an all-round development programmes for our students. We hope the students will be able to contribute to society and bring positive impacts to others through music.


Public Performance

The ensemble consists of around 40 string, wind and percussion instruments players who are taught by professional musicians. In addition, there is a vocal group of more than 10 children whose members are coached by professional vocalists. The programme aims at training children with music talent through regular lessons and performance opportunities.


Master Class

To learn from the best, MCF has always invited renowned masters to share their expertise with students – with the masters playing for our ensemble students and giving them advice. Students benefitted greatly from such sessions.


Team Building

We held a variety of team building activities to strengthen the bonding amongst members of the ensemble and chorus to develop them into a coherent team in performance.

Great Eagle Music Children Scholarship

After 4 years of free professional music trainings, 10 Great Eagle Music Children Scholarship students would like to express their sincere thanks to the sponsor, Great Eagle Group, through the performance of “The Joyful Heartbeat”. They can continue to chase their music dreams.